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I think the verbal descriptions for the different priorities are a little clumsy and a bit confusing (e.g. right now "high" seems to upload more than "very high"). How about making "release" a bit more specific (e.g., "Files with release priority are always uploaded whenever clients asks for them, i.e. as long as these files are requested no other files are uploaded.") Then we could drop the labels of very high to very low and instead include the specific queue position modifier (e.g., 1.0x) that each is associated with. I think a number of people would find that much more informative.


Sure, feel free. have in mind, though, that there already is a Release article ;)

And I also believe that keeping a verbal description of all of them is useful since, we all know, most people don't know about credits or, if they do, they do not understand them AT ALL ;D

I look forward to see how you mend it up :)