How to setup a Webserver with aMule 2.0.0rc1 and later:
When you installed your aMule via deb package or rpm, the webserver source is not included. Please visit http://www.amule.org and download the tar.gz package for your aMule version.
0) Untar it and copy from the src directory:
- aMule.tmpl
- And the webserver directory
into your /home/usr_running_aMule/.aMule/ directory.
1) Shutdown your aMule if it is still running
2) Edit your .eMule file:
- Locate the [ExternalConnect] section and change:
- AcceptExternalConnections=1 <-- To enable aMule listening for External Connections
- ECUseTCPPort=1 <-- The use the TCP port! Very important since Unix sockets are disabled
3) Restart aMule
4) Go to your Preferences -> Remote Connection (in aMule):
- Enable your webserver
- Also setup your passwords here for [External Connections]] and webserver login
- When you change your ports for webserver and External Connections here make sure to restart aMule!!
5) After you are done, save your settings, go to console and type
- amuleweb
- Type in your password. This will startup your aMule webserver. If you changed your External Connections port to someting else start amuleweb with:
- amuleweb -p new_port
at the end it should look something like this:
Web Server: Started
WSThread: Thread started
WSThread: created service
WSThread: created socket listening on :4711
6) To make sure it is working use your favorite browser to browse:
NOTE: This (port 4711) is the default port of your aMuleWeb. If you connect to 4712 this will not work since it is the External Connections port, so connecting here will result in error messages by aMule.
For Problems or Questions just report on forum or join IRC channel #amule at irc.freenode.net