Difference between revisions of "AMule problems-es"
(=aMule se conecta a los servidores, pero siempre obtiene LowID. ¿Por que? Y, ¿Puedo hacer algo al respecto?=) |
(=He configurado el límite de subida a 0KBps, pero aMule sigue transferiendo. ¿Que he hecho mal?=) |
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Be carefull when setting 0KBps as Upload Limit . It might not mean what you think it is. Read [[AMule_problems#I_set_Upload_Limit_to_0KBps,_but_aMule_is_still_transfering._What_did_I_do_wrong?|I set Upload Limit to 0KBps, but aMule is still transfering. What did I do wrong?]] to make sure you understand it's meaning. | Be carefull when setting 0KBps as Upload Limit . It might not mean what you think it is. Read [[AMule_problems#I_set_Upload_Limit_to_0KBps,_but_aMule_is_still_transfering._What_did_I_do_wrong?|I set Upload Limit to 0KBps, but aMule is still transfering. What did I do wrong?]] to make sure you understand it's meaning. | ||
− | == | + | == He configurado el límite de subida a 0KBps, pero aMule sigue transferiendo. ¿Que he hecho mal? == |
− | + | Configurar el límite de subida a 0KBps no detiene la transferencia, sino que, ''0KBps'' significa '''ilimitado''', vamos, justo lo contrario a lo que tu quieres hacer. No hay manera de evitar que aMule suba ficheros, y esto es igual para todos los clientes ED2K (eMule, eDonkey, etc). Permitir que la gente no suba nada llevaría a la red ED2K a su final.<br> | |
− | + | Incluso si tú no compartes ningún directorio, el directorio Temp '''siempre''' se comparte, por lo tanto los ficheros que tú te estas bajando se comparten con otros clientes. | |
== Why am I getting "Too many connections" messages on the terminal? == | == Why am I getting "Too many connections" messages on the terminal? == |
Revision as of 17:22, 4 January 2005
- 1 Problemas más comunes en aMule
- 2 por Jacobo221 (Traducido por KNO)
- 3 Me da un mensaje "aMule already running: exiting" en un termina cuando arranco aMule. ¿Podré arrancarlo de todas formas?
- 4 aMule arranca pero no se muestra, de todas formas está funcionando bien. ¿Qué está pasando?
- 5 aMule arranca pero nunca se conecta y se congela o cuelga cada pocos segundos etc...
- 6 ¿Donde están mis ficheros descargados?
- 7 ¿Por qué aMule se come tanta CPU al arrancar?
- 8 Bueeeno, ahora aMule arranca, pero ¿Porque me saca este mensaje: "No hay servidores válidos en la lista de servidores" cuando si que los hay?
- 9 aMule se conecta a los servidores, pero siempre obtiene LowID. ¿Por que? Y, ¿Puedo hacer algo al respecto?
- 10 I just lost a download. Is there anyway I can recover it?
- 11 Why does aMule suddendly become unresponsive to the mouse allthough it's not hanged?
- 12 Why are some files in my shared folders not shown in the Shared Folders window?
- 13 I always get a message about addresses.met when I start aMule. What's wrong?
- 14 I sometimes get a message on the log about credits being lost. Should I be worried?
- 15 Why is Upload/Download limit always back to 0 after every restart?
- 16 Why is aMule ignoring the bandwith I set per slot?
- 17 Why can't I set aMule's download limit to more than X?
- 18 He configurado el límite de subida a 0KBps, pero aMule sigue transferiendo. ¿Que he hecho mal?
- 19 Why am I getting "Too many connections" messages on the terminal?
- 20 My progress bars have lost most of their 3D effect and look more ugly now. Can I turn it's look back?
- 21 All my downloads suddenly paused and I can't resume them. What's going on?
- 22 Why isn't Preview working at all?
- 23 After exitting MPlayer on Preview, my aMule keeps locked?
- 24 Why is Transfered a smaller number than Completed?
- 25 aMule always slows down my computer when it completes a download. Is nis a normal behaviour?
- 26 Is there any way to recursively select a whole directory and it's contents?
- 27 amulecmd keep saying "Unable to connect to the specified host"
Problemas más comunes en aMule
por Jacobo221 (Traducido por KNO)
English | Español
Me da un mensaje "aMule already running: exiting" en un termina cuando arranco aMule. ¿Podré arrancarlo de todas formas?
Este mensaje es muy claro: aMule ya esta arrancado. Pero no se refiere al sistema entero, si no que tú (tu cuenta de usuario) ya está ejecutando aMule.
Puedes pensar de todas formas que no hay ningún aMule ejecutandose, ya que se colgó. Pero sucede que a veces, algunos procesos no se cierran del todo, quedandose en un estado conocido como zombie o defunc. Para saber si éste es tu problema ejecuta ps u | gre amule y si te enseña algo, entonces hay algún otro proceso de aMule ejecutandose con tu cuenta. Para matarlo, puedes cerrarlo normalmente (si puedes) o matarlo con kill -9 <aMule_PID> o killall -9 amule o cerrar sesión y entrar de nuevo en el sistema (que en muchos casos mata los procesos de aMule, exepcto si lo has ejecutado con nohup o algo parecido).
Si nada de ésto te sirve, puedes ejecutar otro aMules como otro usuario (si puedes entrar en el sistema con otra cuenta, por supuesto). Lee ¿Puedo ejecutar dos instancias de aMule al mismo tiempo?.
aMule arranca pero no se muestra, de todas formas está funcionando bien. ¿Qué está pasando?
Esto puede pasar si configuras incorrectamente el tipo de SysTray en Preferencias -> General -> "Integración en Icono del Sistema" y configuras que aMule se minimize en el tray y que arranque minimizado. Asi que te tomaste algo de tiempo en hacerlo, ¿no?
Para recuperar el GUI de aMule, edita ~/eMule, busca StartupMinimized=1 y cambialo por StartupMinimized=0. El siguiente script lo puede hacer por tí (en linux)
sed s/StartupMinimized=0/StartupMinimized=1/ ~/.eMule > ~/.eMule.temp && mv -f ~/.eMule.temp ~/.eMule
La próxima vez que arranques amule, configura correctamente la integración con el icono del sistema en las Preferencias para que puedas "Arrancar Minimizado" sin tener aMule oculto.
Si por alguna razón lo de arriba no funciona, intenta cambiando manualmente la interación con el icono del sistema al valor por defecto "Sin integación en icono del sistema". Para ahcer eso pone el valor 1 a DesktopMode= en ~/.eMule. El siguiente script lo puede hacer por tí:
sed s/DesktopMode=[0-9]/DesktopMode=1/ ~/.eMule > ~/.eMule.temp && mv -f ~/.eMule.temp ~/.eMule
aMule arranca pero nunca se conecta y se congela o cuelga cada pocos segundos etc...
Las versiones de aMule hasta la 2.0.0-rc3 no deben ser linkadas con las librerias wxWidgets 2.5.x nii con GTK2 aunque algunas versiones de Linux lo hacen. Por favor asegurate que no se hace con aMule. Si no estás seguro, pega tu backtrace en el foro de Backtraces de aMule o entra en el cananl de irc de aMule: #amule en irc.freenode.org
¿Donde están mis ficheros descargados?
Por defecto, aMule guarda los ficheros completados en ~/.aMule/Incoming pero como este directorio es un directorio oculto, puede que tu navegador de ficheros puede no mostrarlo. Asegurate de que el navegador de ficheros muestra los ficheros ocultos.
Por defecto, los ficheros que estan siendo descargados se colocan en ~/.aMule/Temp, asi que de nuevo, este es un directorio oculto y el navegador de ficheros tiene que ser configurado para que muestre los ficheros ocultos.
¿Por qué aMule se come tanta CPU al arrancar?
Esto ocurre porque aMule esta realizando el hash de los nuevos ficheros encontrados en los directorios compartidos.
Si aMule siempre se come mucha CPU al arrancar y no hay ficheros nuevos o modificados en tus directorios compartidos es que algo va mal.
En versiones anteriores a la 2.0.0-rc3 esto solía pasar cuando se tenia el Temp, el Incoming o algún Directorio compartido en una partición FAT32. Desde aMule 2.0.0-rc3 esto no pasa.
También, en versiones anteriores a la 2.0.0-rc4 en sistemas de ficheros con codificación UTF-8 (se sabe que pasa con SuSE 9.1) puede haber problemas cuando algun fichero o directorio en los Directorios Compartidos contienen caractéres especiales. Si este es tu problema hay un manera de solucionarlos (gracias nachbarnebenan): después de que aMule haya realizado el hash de todos los ficheros compartidos (esto es, cuando haya parado de consumir casi toda tu CPU), cierra aMule y codifica ~/.aMule/known.met con codificación UTF-8 (puedes hacer ésto con la aplicación recode ejecutando el siguiento comando: recode u8 ~/.aMule/known.met). Esto lo debes hacer cada vez que añadas o modifiques algún fichero en algún Directorio Compartido. Así que la mejor opción es actualizar a la última versión de aMule.
Si nada de lo anterior te sirve, entonces algo está yendo rematadamente mal en el fichero known.met, probablemente algún programa o usuario externo lo rompe. La mejor opción es borrarlo y reiniciar aMule dejandole que haga el rehash de nuevo.
Bueeeno, ahora aMule arranca, pero ¿Porque me saca este mensaje: "No hay servidores válidos en la lista de servidores" cuando si que los hay?
Esto es por que has activado la opción "Autoconectar sólo a servidores fijos". Así que desactívala o añade algún servidor a lista de servidores fijos.
Para desactivar esta opción, ve a Preferencias -> Servidor -> "Autoconectar sólo a servidores fijos".
Para añadir un servidor a la lista de fijos, ve a la ventana de Servidores y pincha con el botón derecho en el servidor que quieres añadir a la lista de servidores fijos. Entonces selecciona "Añadir a la lista de servidors fijos" y haz lo mismo para todos los servidores que quieras añadir a la lista de servidores fijos.
aMule se conecta a los servidores, pero siempre obtiene LowID. ¿Por que? Y, ¿Puedo hacer algo al respecto?
Esto puede pasar por tres razones:
- Te falta abrir alguno de los puertos en tu router/firewall. Lee esto para saber como lo puedes hacer.
- El servidor esta ocupado o está mal configurado, y por eso obtienes LowID. Lo único que puedes hacer es reconectarte o conectarte a otro servidor.
- Algunos ISP limitan las aplicaciones del tipo P2P, como aMule, no permitiendo el tráfico a través de sus puertos más corrientes. En este caso configura aMule para que use cualquier otro puerto.
I just lost a download. Is there anyway I can recover it?
This is strage to happen, but it might, allthough in most cases it is the result of some non-aMule-related stuff going weird (or user's fault).
Two things may have happened. Either *.part.met files were deleted, or *.part files were deleted.
If *.part files have dissapeared, the only solution is to reastart the downloads from the beggining (if *.part.met files are still there, aMule will restart the downloads on next start). However this should never happen unless the user directly deleted them.
If *.part.met files have dissapeared but *.part files are still in the Temp directory, then search if *.part.met.bak are also in the Temp directory. If they are, then just rename *.part.met.bak files to *.part.met just by running:
for file in *.part.met.bak; do mv -f "$file" "${file%.bak}; done
Still, it could happen that, although you have the *.part files, neither *.part.met nor *.part.met.bak files exist any longer. In this case, you would have two ways ways to work out of this:
Either, use MetFileRegenerator (Java needed) to reconstruct the *.part.met files.
Or, search again on aMule for the files you were downloading and rename their part number in the *.part.met files to the ones it used to have. For example, if you ware down loading aMule_1.2.6.tar.gz and that was being downloaded in Temp directory as 008.part, then that file used to have it's corresponding 008.part.met file and, probably, it's 008.part.met.bak file. But this two latter files have misteriously dissapeared. Then search again on aMule for aMule_1.2.6.tar.gz and start downloading it. Close aMule and you'll have this new download as, for example, 011.part file in the Temp directory. Of course, this download will have it's 011.part.met file. Well, rename 011.part.met to 008.part.met and then delete 011.part (and 011.part.met.bak if it existed). Now start aMule and you will have recovered the download from the point it was before the *.part.met files disapeared.
Why does aMule suddendly become unresponsive to the mouse allthough it's not hanged?
It sometimes happens that you left a dialog window somewhere hidden in the desktop. aMule is waiting for that window to be closed, so it becomes unresponsive untill you click OK, Cancel, or whatever you have to click.
So, make sure there's no aMule dialog left around in any workspace.
This could happen if you added this files after aMule has been started. Press the "Reload" button on Shared Folders window and it should find the new files and hash them (this may take some CPU time).
However, on some releases it has happened that after restarting aMule, some files dissapear from the Shared Folders window allthough they are in the shared folders. In such cases, the only way to have them back is to delete ~/.aMule/known.met but, of course, on next aMule start, all shared files will have to be rehashed, and that'll take some time most probably.
I always get a message about addresses.met when I start aMule. What's wrong?
This happens when you enable the option Preferences -> Servers -> "Auto-update serverlist at startup" and you have no serverlists' urls in addresses.dat. You can either add some to addresses.dat by adding them at Preferences -> Servers -> List or just disable Preferences -> Servers -> "Auto-update serverlist at startup" if you don't really need it.
I sometimes get a message on the log about credits being lost. Should I be worried?
No, you don't need to be worried. Credits for a client are deleted after 150 days (more or less 5 months) without "seeing" that client. Also, bad clients might loose their credits too. So those messages are just for debug information, you souldn't worry about them.
Why is Upload/Download limit always back to 0 after every restart?
This happened on aMule versions previous to 2.0.0-rc4 when you trying to set a Upload or Download limit value higher than the Upload or Download Capacity value. However, since version 2.0.0-rc4 this is fixed (read What is the real point on setting up Line Capacities in Preferences? Shouldn't aMule only care for the Bandwidth Limits? to understand why) and shouldn't happen anymore.
Why is aMule ignoring the bandwith I set per slot?
The bandwidth set to each slot can be set in Preferences, but it will be ignored if the bandwidth set per slot doesn't allow at least three connections at the same time.
So, the maximum speed allowed per slot is BandwidthLimit/3.
Please do NOT confuse Bandwidth limit with Bandwith Capacity. Read [[FAQ_aMule#What_is_the_real_point_on_setting_up_Line_Capacities_in_Preferences?_Should
n't_aMule_only_care_for_the_Bandwidth_Limits?|What is the real point on setting up Line Capacities in Preferences? Shouldn't aMule only care for the Bandwidth Limits?]] since the meaning of the Bandwidth Capacity setting is not intuitive. since the meaning of the Bandwidth Capacity setting is not intuitive.
Why can't I set aMule's download limit to more than X?
To keep the ED2K network alive, all ED2K clients have an upload/download limits ratio hardcoded which, depending on the upload limit set, is:
From 0KBps to 3KBps:
DownloadLimit can't be more than UploadLimit*3
From 4KBps to 9KBps:
DownloadLimit can't be more than UploadLimit*4
UploadLimit values over 9KBps:
There's no DownloadLimit limitation.
Be carefull when setting 0KBps as Upload Limit . It might not mean what you think it is. Read I set Upload Limit to 0KBps, but aMule is still transfering. What did I do wrong? to make sure you understand it's meaning.
He configurado el límite de subida a 0KBps, pero aMule sigue transferiendo. ¿Que he hecho mal?
Configurar el límite de subida a 0KBps no detiene la transferencia, sino que, 0KBps significa ilimitado, vamos, justo lo contrario a lo que tu quieres hacer. No hay manera de evitar que aMule suba ficheros, y esto es igual para todos los clientes ED2K (eMule, eDonkey, etc). Permitir que la gente no suba nada llevaría a la red ED2K a su final.
Incluso si tú no compartes ningún directorio, el directorio Temp siempre se comparte, por lo tanto los ficheros que tú te estas bajando se comparten con otros clientes.
Why am I getting "Too many connections" messages on the terminal?
This happens when you set a very high value at Preferences -> Connections -> "Connection limits" -> "Max connections". If this value is as almost as big as the the amount of connections your system allows you to have, then aMule will fail to establish connections and display those messages (have in mind that other applications may also have some connections established).
On Windows 9x/ME platforms there is a limit of 100 TCP connections so, although you might set aMule to establish more than 100 connections, it will be unable to do so. You can change Windows's TCP connections limit by editting the Windows Register (Start -> Run -> regedit.exe) and setting (you'll most surely have to add the value since in most cases it doesn't exist):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\MSTCP\MaxConnections (which is a String type and it's value must be a 32-bit number).
My progress bars have lost most of their 3D effect and look more ugly now. Can I turn it's look back?
On old aMule versions (previous to 2.0.0-rc4) setting the progress bar style to the most right on Preferences -> "GUI tweaks" was the way to have the progress bar have the best 3D effect. As of 2.0.0-rc4 the best 3D effect is given when the style bar is set to the middle. Setting it to the most right will give the progress bar a flat look while setting it to the most left will give it a dark look.
All my downloads suddenly paused and I can't resume them. What's going on?
Check if there's any free space in the filesystem where the Temp directory is placed. If there is any at all, check if there's more free space than the minimum free space set at Preferences -> Files -> "Min disk space".
Why isn't Preview working at all?
Since aMule 2.0.0-rc4 Preview command isn't being run in the same terminal as aMule. As a result, your Preview program may fail to start. This is the case of MPlayer. If you need a terminal to run your Preview player, use some command like xterm -e <preview-app> i.e.:
xterm -T "aMule's preview" -iconic -e mplayer -idx
After exitting MPlayer on Preview, my aMule keeps locked?
Preview used to lock aMule on purpose until aMule reached version 2.0.0-rc4. As a result of this, people using MPlayer suffered from a bug on MPlayer which remains the main process in background when closing the main MPlayer window. The way to walk around this MPlayer bug on aMule versions previous to 2.0.0-rc4 is to exit MPlayer by pressing the Q key. Any way, it'd be better if you could possibly upgrade aMule to the latest versions.
Why is Transfered a smaller number than Completed?
It's a common mistake to think it should be bigger or, at least, equal.
Please read What is the difference between Transfered and Completed in the Tranfers window? to know more about this.
aMule always slows down my computer when it completes a download. Is nis a normal behaviour?
Yes it is. When aMule completes a download it checks it has not been corrupted. Allthough this is already checked while downloading (by checking the chunk's hash values), once the file is completly downloaded aMule hashes all the chunks to check that the chunks which were previously downloaded weren't somehow corrupted by the user or an external application while the rest of the file was being downloaded.
Is there any way to recursively select a whole directory and it's contents?
Yes, there is. And it's simple: While clicking on the directory, hold the CTRL key.
And that's it.