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Name: remote.conf

Location: ~/.aMule/


This is the common configuration file for all remote tools (aMuleCMD, aMuleWeb, remote gui). The above mentioned name and location is the default name and location for this file, but, unlike all other config files, they can be changed via the -f (--config-file) command-line parameter.

Note: Whenever I refer to command-line switches and parameters, they're only available for aMuleCmd and aMuleWeb. aMule remote GUI does not yet implement these switches.


This is a text file, in the format of the Windows .INI files.

In the file, configuration options are set in key-value pairs. Each line contains exactly one key-value pair, in the form of <key>=<value> (except for group headers and comments, see below). Keys are organized into groups, and even groups may have sub-groups. Any line starting with a ';' (semicolon) character is considered to be a comment. Comments and empty lines are ignored. Group headers are in the form '['<group name>']'.

Keys are referenced as if they were files in a file system where directories are the groups. For example, the key 'Password' in the group 'EC' is referenced as '/EC/Password' . Hopefully the following descriptions and the example will make it clear.

Keys description

General notes

  • For keys that accept an MD5 hash, the value is always case insensitive.
  • For keys that enable/disable something (or at least have a boolean type value), '0' means 'false' or 'disabled', '1' means 'true' or 'enabled'.

Common keys

Selects language that remote tools should use. Possible values are the language codes for the given language, such as de, en_GB; or the proper english name of the language, e.g. french. Defaults to an empty value, which means 'use system default language' . Can be overridden by the -l (--locale) command-line parameter.
Hostname or IP address of the remote running core (aMule or aMuled). Defaults to 'localhost' . Can be overridden by the -h (--host) command-line parameter.
Port number where remote core listens to external connections. Defaults to '4712' . Can be overridden by the -p (--port) command-line parameter.
MD5 hash of the password used for EC connection. Can be overridden by the -P (--password) command-line parameter, which accepts a plain-text password!

Keys specific to aMuleCmd


Keys specific to aMuleWeb

Port number, where aMuleWeb listens for connections from browsers. Defaults to '-1' , which means 'query from remote core' . If query fails for some reason, '4711' will be used, but aMuleWeb will most likely be unusable (if such a simple query fails, what to expect from more complex queries?). Can be overridden by the -s (--server-port) command-line parameter.
Name of the web template to use. Defaults to 'default' . The current version of aMuleWeb installs one another template, named 'chicane' . Can be overridden by the -t (--template) command-line parameter.
Enables or disables gzip compression of HTML pages. Defaults to disabled. Can be overridden by the -z (--enable-gzip) or -Z (--disable-gzip) command-line switches.
Enables or disables guest mode logins to the web interface. Defaults to disabled. Can be overridden by the -a (--allow-guest) or -d (--deny--guest) command-line switches.
MD5 password for admin login. Can be overridden by the -A (--admin-pass) command-line parameter, which accepts a plain-text password!
MD5 password for guest login. Makes sense only when guest login is enabled. Can be overridden by the -G (--guest-pass) command-line parameter, which accepts a plain-text password!
Time interval in seconds between page reloads. '0' means 'page refresh disabled' . Defaults to '120' , i.e. 2 minutes.
Height (in pixels) of the statistics graphs. Default is '149' .
Width (in pixels) of the statistics graphs. Default is '500' .
Scaling of the statistics graphs. This means 'each pixel in the graph represents 'x' seconds' . Default is 3 seconds/pixel.

Keys specific to Remote GUI

Remote GUI currently messes up remote.conf, saves a lot of irrelevant keys and does not save some important ones. When this will be fixed, I'll describe its keys too.


The example below shows a default remote.conf file, with the exception of the EC password, which is set to dummy (but valid) value.
